Discovering the inner Clown
Undertaking experiences in the clown’s universe in an attempt to better understand the human being. The Neutral Mask; backbeats; complicity; urgency; simplicity; acceptance; These are some of the many topics we will cover in this workshop.
The workshop will be divided in to two parts. In the beginning, we will engage in exercises dealing with concentration, the deconstruction of our bodies behavioural patterns and classic clown techniques. Then, we will move on to improvisation games and the usage of costumes and masks.
As a target audience we expect actors, performers, dancers, and any person interested in awakening their inner poetry on stage and in life, looking through the eyes of a clown.
Minimum age: 16 years
regular course workshop
Discovering the Clown 2017
boat workshop
workshop and Course
workshop on the street
Workshop- LIVE
15-16 JUN 2024
Workshop Clown in a state of attention with his body
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
Workshop LIVE
13-14 JAN 2024
A course where we will move, put on the clown nose, work with costume, meet people, have fun, laugh at yourself and play.
Clown and body is the main theme that we are going to work on. For it is through physicality that emotions, actions and reactions happen.
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Stuido 2
Workshop- LIVE
07-08 OKT 2023
Workshop Clown in a state of attention with his body
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
Workshop LIVE
7-8 JAN 2023
A course where we will move, put on the clown nose, work with costume, meet people, have fun, laugh at yourself and play.
Clown and body is the main theme that we are going to work on. For it is through physicality that emotions, actions and reactions happen.
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum -
Workshop- PARADE
17- 18 SET 2022
Workshop Clown in a state of attention with his body
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
Workshop LIVE
8-9 JAN 2022
A course where we will move, put on the clown nose, work with costume, meet people, have fun, laugh at yourself and play.
Clown and body is the main theme that we are going to work on. For it is through physicality that emotions, actions and reactions happen.
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum -
Online workshop
6- 7 FEB 2021
Clown Workshop online, people from anywhere in the world are welcome!
Yes, another online course, but this time different. It will be a clown course at your home. A course where we will move, put on the clown nose, meet people, have fun and play.
Max 11 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Zoom Platform
12- 13 SET 2020
Workshop Clown in a state of attention with his body
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
21- 22 DEC 2019
Workshop Clown in a state of attention with his body
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
Clown in state of attention
course 5 meeting
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
OCT - NOV - DEC 2018
Clown in state of attention
course 5 meeting
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
29 - 30 SET 2018
Workshop Clown in a state of attention with his body
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
OCT - NOV - DEC 2018
Clown in state of attention
course 5 meeting
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
Clown in state of attention
course 5 meeting
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
12 - 13 JAN 2018
Workshop Clown in a state of attention with his body
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
17-18 SEP 2017
Discovering the clown
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin
8 - 9 JUL 2017
Discovering the clown
Max 15 people.
Minimum age 16 years.
Location: Mime Centrum - Berlin